DIG Vaas Gunawardena had taken Rs. 30 lakhs to murder businessman Shyam: DIG’s hired assassins confess to 9 such murders(Lanka-e-News-01.June.2013.11.55PM) Two suspects who had been taken into custody in connection with the murder of a businessman M H H M Shyam of Bambalapitiya who was abducted on the 22nd and murdered had made confessions during the investigations by the CCD that they are hired assassins of DIG Vaas Gunawardena who after taking many lakhs of rupees carries out these abduction and murder contracts .

It has come to light that Vaas Gunawardena the contract murderer is responsible for 9 such gruesome murders. According to information gathered by the Lanka e news inside information division , it is as follows :
On the 22nd of May , the millionaire footwear businessman went missing. The victim who went out of the house that night had not returned home. On the following day (23) , his body was found by the police with gunshot injuries to his head and chest in a place in the Dompe police division. On the same day , the Mirihana police had taken into custody his vehicle that was left abandoned in the Mirihana police division . Intriguingly , though Shyam’s family had reported this disappearance to the police , despite Shyam’s body being found by the police on the 23rd , his family had not been informed until day before yesterday , 30th . In other words, for a week the police had not intimated that the body had been found. The body of Shyam had been in the Gampaha mortuary for 7 long days !
30th , the relatives have identified the body. The police had also made an egregious blunder deliberately or otherwise , because , when reporting to the media daily on several occasions had not mentioned therein about the murder or that an unidentified body had been found in Dompe or about the abandoned vehicle in Mirihana. This is a wicked wonder ! Should n’t the police in such an abduction (and murder) inform the public via the media immediately and invite the public assistance to identify the deceased? Wasn’t it because the police had the need to suppress the crime that it did not take this action ?
Meanwhile the relatives of Shyam had been searching for Shyam most frantically . They had also spent large sums of money towards the search.
Following their search they had discovered that Shyam was last seen going with a business friend of his, based on a CCTV camera recording of a neighboring shop. After this information was passed to the police , the latter was unable to neglect or suppress the investigation. Though the friend who was associated with Shyam for 8 years also joined in the search, the relatives began to harbor suspicions on him. After the friend was arrested, two more suspects were taken into custody. These two suspects are underworld criminal murderers , and they were taken into custody by a CCD officer.
When the two underworld criminals and Shyam’s friend made confessions , the CCD officer was shocked beyond belief.
Shyam’s friend had confessed that he had given Rs. 30 lakhs to DIG Vaas Gunawardena to murder Shyam. The other two suspects had confessed that they are hired assassins of Vaas Gunawardena, and he had paid Rs. Three lakhs to each of them to abduct and kill Shyam . In the confession these two underworld criminals had stated that they have done 9 murders on such contracts. One such contract is the Majestic Praba murder . Another contract murder was when Vaas Gunawardena was the SSP Galle : a Galle businessman was killed in public on the main road by amputating his both hands. Thereafter , the four individuals suspected in that murder were killed while blindfolded near the Poddala Mahason culvert .
The two contract murderers of Vaas Gunawardena had admitted in the confession that it is they had who killed those four individuals. The weapons they used to commit these murders had been supplied by Vaas Gunawardena. These are weapons that are used by the police, and for every murder they had been paid Rs. Two to three lakhs each.
Even as these confessions were made there had been intense pressures brought to bear on the investigating officers so much so that this investigation is in the process of being suppressed.
Vaas Gunawaradena was a former Director of the CCD. It is the notorious DIG Anura Senanayake who is in charge of it now. In the circumstances attempts are being made to conceal the confessions , and orders had gone out not to make any record of these confessions.
The police chiefs who did not even give publicity via the media that Shyam’s body was found are now through their own media coolies seeking to conceal the hired assassins of Vaas Gunawardena from the ghastly murder , while only revealing Shyam’s friend .
Vaas Gunawardena who was responsible for the murder of the four suspects near the Galle Mahason culvert and earned plus points from Gotabaya came to Kahawatte to trail the suspects in the Kahawatte women murder. After planning the release of the suspects in this murder who were in remand custody , he abducted and murdered them.. Vaas who got promotions over and above others thereby , and became a DIG is now employing hired assassins to abduct and kill wealthy businessmen with impunity after taking huge sums of monies as kickbacks from the enemies of the businessmen.
In the face of these stark revelations , Vaas Gunawardena ought to be taken into custody immediately on the confessions made by the businessman’s friend and the two hired assassins of Vaas Gunawardena. This whole truth behind this murder after huge cash payments collected by Vaas is now known to the IGP and a number of high rung police officers. When a high ranking police officer who was a Director of the CCD is himself involved in contract murders , surely the defense secretary of a country cannot claim that he is not aware, unless he is a party to it or he is so stupid and inefficient as not to know.
It is now learnt that those involved are moving heaven and earth to suppress this heinous crime . Lanka e news which has always been in the vanguard of championing the cause of the law abiding citizens and seeking to enthrone law and justice by its stark exposures is once again exposing another episode of brutal lawlessness of the higher ups with a view to defeating the concerted attempts to suppress this ruthless crime. |