Tamils land in Chettikulam divisional secretariat transformed to Sinhalese settlement. Sivashakthy Ananthan MP object

Activities are expedited to settle the Sinhala people living in Ulukulam in the Veerapuram village housing scheme lands coming under the Chettikulam divisional secretariat. Parliament member Sivashakthy Ananthan made this allegation.
Government should take immediate action to grant ownership documents for the estate sector workers for houses and lands was urged by Ceylon National Estate Workers Federation, and concerning this unexpected decision was implemented.

The statement given by her to the Medias mentioned, 400 Tamil families from year 1995 were given each an acre of land with land license for their livelihoods needs by the divisional secretary. However government is expediting activities to colonize Sinhala people living in Ulukulam in these lands.
On the backdrop of this, the land ministry is operating and the ruling party parliament member Rajeeva Wijayasinghe is determinedly functioning for racial harmony by organizing campaigns.
By confiscating the Tamil people’s lands which possess land license government ruthlessly operating to colonize Sinhala people should be immediately stopped by the international society including all sectors which we appeal was said.
On last 29th, ruling party parliament member Rajeeva Wijayasinghe chaired a meeting with village development federation and public movements to establish awareness at the Chettikulam divisional secretariat on the theme racial harmony and to find their necessities.
In the presence of Chettikulam divisional secretary including officials and those gathered, Rajeeva Wijeyasinghe said, 400 acres of lands are lying neglected and to take action to handover this to the Sinhala people residing at Ulukulam.
Tamil people the land owners who were at the meeting complained that their lands our grabbed by the Sinhala people, but state parliament member made the above statement.
The former north and east provincial government with the permission from Land Ministry with the assistance from the Chettikulam divisional secretary granted these lands to the Tamil people.
Lands were granted with land licenses to the people but now arrangements are processed in taking back is an issue to the condemned. This act of impounding lands owned by an ethnic community and to colonize the Sinhala community is a violation of fundamental rights was said.
How does the government consider of advancing and maintaining racial harmony in this manner. Not necessity of land deeds and land license in the Tamil areas is what if government believes, it is better for the government to incarcerate the north and east people in an open prison and accomplish its requirement of confiscating land said Sivashakthy Ananthan in her report.
Saturday , 04 May 2013

This resolution was implemented by the federation on the May Day celebration held in Badulla,
A large quantity of people gathered at the May Day meeting, and Ceylon National Estate Workers Federation General Secretary, United National Party Deputy Leader, Uva Province Council member K.Velayutham in detail exposed the ciris faced by the people.
Velautham in his welcome speech said, government affirmed in granting land and dwelling ownership documents to the workers in the estate sector, but so far this assurance was not implemented.
He said, government should immediately grant land and home deeds to the families of estate workers, which we implement at this occasion.
Government today is processing activities of giving away the estate sector to outsiders, to convert to small estate for which activities are indirectly advanced.
In a well systemized manner is converting the population expansion percentage in north and east, similarly efforts are carried out by the government to introduce a conversion in the upcountry, which is the doubt now cropped up was said.
Government is attempting to eliminate the rights of political expression by eradiating the populace in the upcountry.
Trade union leaders heroic speeches in submitting their demands, if queried of forwarding letter to the employer's federation, the reply would be no. Those give heroic speeches should perform in action.
By focusing the salary crisis of estate workers, should not attempt for political survival. They do not worthy of criticizing us as they did not at least forward a letter demanding for the welfare of workers.
In the blanket of trade unions, by aiding and abating to the government's unscrupulous activities, taking bribe for anti-social activities, is become their normal practice and in this manner everyone is observed.
In the name of trade union some parliament members are reviewing us. Did they voice on behalf of upcountry people in parliament.
Today upcountry people gathered massively and have attended the May Day events. This is the victory achieved for the joined attempt should be understood by those criticizing us, said Velautham.
Saturday , 04 May 2013

A request was made to the Election Commissioner yesterday directly by the Tamil National Alliance , that the northern provincial council election should be held in the midst of international monitoring, and this should come into effect from the date election is notified.

In view of northern election, if this measure is not adopted, it cannot be accepted for a free and fair election was pointed out by Tamil National Alliance to Election Commissioner.
Meanwhile a special system should be adopted for the Sri Lankan citizens living in India, Middle East countries including foreign lands to cast their votes was a request made to the Election Commissioner yesterday by the political parties.
Election Commissioner General Mahinda Desapriya yesterday met all the secretaries of political parties and had a discussion. This meeting was held at the election secretariat yesterday afternoon from 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Sri Lanka Tamil Arasu party Secretary General Mawai Senathiraja is indisposed and on his behalf parliament member M.A.Sumenthiran, EPRLF Secretary Suresh Premachandran, PLOTTE Leader Sithatharthan, Tamil Liberation Alliance Leader V.Ananthashankari represented the Alliance.
Upcountry People Front Secretary General A.Lorence including secretaries of political parties also attended yesterday's meeting.
Saturday , 04 May 2013