(Lanka-e-News-31.March.2013,5.00PM) Galagoda atthe Gnanasara Thero , the monk who is the leader of Bodhu Bala Sena and pretends that his Sena is prepared to sacrifice their lives for the country and operated by Gotabaya Rajapakse , who has also earned a notoriety for ruthless unlawful killings of civilians , has truly no connections with the Sambuddha Sasana , and is a drunkard out and out according to reports with demonstrable proof reaching Lanka e news.
This Galgoda Thero the monk who is so vociferous about saving the country was a hit and run vehicle ( 6 Sri 5444) culprit on 14th April 2000, that is, this inauspicious accident occurred on the auspicious Sinhala New year day at about 2.00 a.m. when priests must be in their temples and performing religious duties and devotions . On the contrary this scoundrel of a monk was excessively drunk and the vehicle in which he traveled did not have a valid license at the time of the accident when he knocked a three wheeler at Grandpass whereby its driver was seriously injured. The victim of the accident was Ravindra Kumar.
When the police gave chase and apprehended the so called champion of the Buddhist cause and who is now parading as a great savior of the country , he was so drunk that he could not stand erect . When the police did a breathalyzer test it was found that only by his robe he was a so called monk of the highest caliber , but inside he was a drunk of the worst caliber and a scoundrel betraying Lord Buddha and all what the latter stood for so steadfastly. In other words this is a monk who had come forward to save the Buddha sasana, without knowing how to respect the Saffron robe let alone Lord Buddha .
Later the Grandpass police had filed a case No. 6315/2000 based on 9 charges against Galgoda atthe Gnanasara Thero residing at 615 , Rajagiriya through the traffic court , Colombo 12. Among the charges filed were driving under the influence of liquor without a license and causing injuries to person ; and obstructing performance of official police duties.
On the 20th of September 2000, the accused Galgoda the drunk monk had accepted all the charges and was fined Rs. 10000/-.
We challenge this Bodhu Bala Sena leader , Galgodaatthe monk to disprove these facts if he can, and confirm he is not a drunk and a goon but a true monk and a boon for the sasana.
The business establishment that was attacked by Bodhu Bala sena terrorists yesterday at the instigation of IRC monks like Galgoda Thero only went to demonstrate that they are not only villainous to the country and community but even to the noble Buddha sasana.
Following this disgraceful and uncalled for violence specially because it is led by monks who should be preaching peace and practicing their religions within Temples , a number of questions have sprung up :
• What is the punishment the Sangha leaders will mete out to this individual who acted flagrantly in breach of the Buddha sasana code of discipline?
• Was his drunken state , reckless driving , near killing a three wheel driver and fining by the courts after finding him guilty made the criterion by Mahanayakes to give him an elevated ‘Royal’ position and to entrust with greater priestly responsibilities over others ?
• Is there any religious or social worth in draping a saffron robe around these terrorist drunkard priests ?
• Isn’t it because the Mahanayakes did not punish this drunkard priest who was enjoying himself on people’s wealth getting inebriated and disgracing the Buddha sasana , and Mahanayakes not nipping it in the bud then that this same priest who is now nurtured and nourished by these evil propensities has grown demonic so much so that he is himself resorting to and instigating others to commit the worst sins and evils in the name of Buddhism ?
• Even after this amount of disgrace and disrepute is brought upon the noble Buddha dharma by these ignoble priests , is everyone still going to wait with the eyes and ears open until Buddhism is degraded and its precepts usurped further in the very name of religion ?
• Is the most noble Buddha sasana going to be preserved and protected after chasing these drunkards and demons ?
• If he was an ordinary individual the punishment meted by the Courts would be deemed as correct , but in this case he being a Buddhist priest the Sangha Nayakes ought to have reckoned the punishment meted out by the courts , and taken disciplinary action against him. On the other hand , if the Sangha disciplinary Council had not been aware of this, at least now , the Sangha must take action against him as the true Buddhists specially and the people in general are waiting and watching what disciplinary steps the Sangha is going to take.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa said no room should be left for anyone to accuse Sri Lanka of being a country that promoted racial and religious hatred.
Speaking at Werahena, Matara, President Rajapaksa stated that Sri Lanka was a democratic country in which every religion had the freedom to hold their religious beliefs
“It should be the duty and responsibility of the Buddhists to protect their rights and live in way that would set an example to others. Since ancient times our revered generation of bhikkhus have stepped forward to protect our nation and they have always given the most valuable advice for the benefit of the country” he said.
He made these remarks on 30 March, attending the ceremony organised to welcome Venerable Kegalle Rathanasara Thera who was honoured with the post of Chief Prelate.
President Rajapaksa pointed out that the venerable bhikkhus had the responsibility of interceding if the country was heading in the wrong direction and to direct the country towards the correct path on its way to progress.
“The Sasana will be protected only if the Dhamma is preserved. Similarly the race will survive only if the country is protected. Hence it is important to act with farsighted knowledge to protect the country” he added. Powerful sections of the Government seem to be actively encouraging the activities of these new extremist groups, the Bodhu Bala Sena in particular.
Update, 5.10pm: Groundviews was sent the following three images of “monks” in the mob. Note that they are part of a violent mob, with Police present around them.