Rathika Introduces Tamil Heritage Month Act

By Colombo Telegraph -February 1, 2013
Rathika Sitsabaiesan Canadian MP for the Scarborough Rouge River Riding, yesterday tabled a Private Member’s Bill designating January as Tamil Heritage Month in the Canadian parliament. Rathika is known for a series of firsts, being the first Tamil Member of Parliament in Canada.
Text of Bill:
BILL C-471
An Act to designate the month of January as Tamil Heritage Month
Whereas Tamil Canadians have established deep roots and flourished in communities across the country, thereby enriching Canada’s social, cultural, economic and political fabric;
Whereas the month of January is an opportunity to celebrate the contributions of Canadians of Tamil heritage to our communities as well as to raise awareness of Tamil history and culture;
And whereas the people of Canada wish to honour the contributions of Tamil Canadians to Canada;
Whereas Tamil Canadians have established deep roots and flourished in communities across the country, thereby enriching Canada’s social, cultural, economic and political fabric;
Whereas the month of January is an opportunity to celebrate the contributions of Canadians of Tamil heritage to our communities as well as to raise awareness of Tamil history and culture;
And whereas the people of Canada wish to honour the contributions of Tamil Canadians to Canada;
Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
1. This Act may be cited as the Tamil Heritage Month Act.
2. Throughout Canada, in each and every year, the month of January is to be known as “Tamil Heritage Month”.