Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Saturday, February 2, 2013


February 2, 2013
136 skulls dug up from Matale mass graveAs excavations being conducted at the mass grave discovered near the Matale Hospital continue, the number of human skulls unearthed from excavations carried out so far has reached 136.

It has been reported that 142 skeletal remains have also been found and that additional teams have currently been placed to carry out further excavations. 

Skulls and partial skeletons were discovered in November last year by workers building a facility at a hospital in Matale. 

Excavations were carried out under a court order while no conclusive information regarding the human skulls and skeletal remains have been reported yet.

The Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology had conducted tests regarding the remains and submitted a short report, which verifies that the remains recovered from site have no archaeological significance and were buried in the recent past.

The skulls and skeletal remains have given birth to various speculations, including some theories claiming it to be the site of a “crime” during the JVP insurrection.

The skeletal remains unearthed so far have been submitted for carbon dating procedures.

142 skeletons in Matale mass grave

( February 02, 2013, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) The total number of human skeletal remains unearthed from a mass grave behind the Matale Hospital has risen to 142 since the excavation started in early November last year.

The skeletal remains have been sent for carbon dating in a bid to establish the era the grave came into existence, officials said.

Some argue that the grave contains the victims of the aborted 1971 armed insurrection of the Janatha Vimukthi Perumana (JVP) in 1971 while there are others who say it could go back to the 18th century during the colonial era.

Experts from several agencies are currently working on the site. The grave was discovered by workers who were building bio gas tank in the location.