Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Saturday, December 29, 2012

WikiLeaks: Peace Process – Five Things That Upset Sinhalese Extremists

Colombo TelegraphBy Colombo Telegraph -December 29, 2012
“Always a lively crowd, Sri Lanka’s Sinhalese extremists have been raising a ruckus over five issues of late. They have demanded, for example, that (#1) the Norwegian Ambassador be expelled from the country, and complained about (#2) a pro-Tamil movie that opened in Europe recently and (#3) a BBC poll that gave pride of place to a Tamil nationalist song. Constructing strawmen, they are also demanding that no effort be made to change (#4) the flag or (#5) the national anthem as part of the peace process. Although their anti-peace process tirades have generated little impact thus far, the extremists’ use of these five issues highlights how they continue to nibble away at the margins of the body politic.” the US Embassy Colombo informed Washington.
A Leaked ‘Confidential’ US diplomatic cable, dated January 17, 2003, updated the Secretary of State regarding the anti-peace process tirades and Sri Lanka’s ‘Sinhalese extremists’ details the JVP and the Sihala Urumaya demands.  The Colombo Telegraph found the related leaked cable from the WikiLeaks database. The cable is classified by the US Deputy Chief of Mission Lewis Amselem and signed by the US Ambassador to Colombo E. Ashley Wills.
The US embassy wrote; “Tirades by Sinhalese extremists against the peace process seem to have generated little support for their cause, thus far. The extremists’ use of the five issues reviewed above, however, highlights how they continue to nibble away at the margins of the body politic. It is unclear whether their constant attacks and forays into cultural nationalism are having an effect at the village level in the Sinhalese hinterland in the south. If they are, it is possible that the extremists could be putting themselves in position to make political gains if the peace process hits a stumbling block. At this point, however, with the process still buoyed by widespread public support, the JVP and SU remain decidedly on the outside looking in despite their best efforts.”
Read the cable below for further details;
Related posts to this cable;
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 COLOMBO 000101                     Read More