Indian police remedy against rape is ‘reconciliation’

A 17-year-old Indian girl, gang-raped in November, committed suicide on Wednesday, after the Indian police pressured her to drop the case and accept a cash settlement or ‘marry’ one of her attackers, AFP reported on Thursday citing the victim’s sister, a senior police official and the Indian media NDTV. The girl had been “running from pillar to post to get her case registered,” but officers failed to open a formal inquiry and tried to convince her to withdraw the case, the Inspector General of Punjab Police, P.S. Gill, conceded. What the Indian police had applied in the individual case of the hapless girl is just analogous to the larger political policy of ‘reconciliation’ imposed by the Establishments in New Delhi and Washington on the genocide-affected nation of Eezham Tamils, said an activist in Jaffna standing for the human rights of nations.
The girl coming from Patiala region of Punjab took poison on Wednesday. Her suicide comes amidst public fury over another gruesome gang rape of a student on a bus in New Delhi earlier this month.
Out of 256,329 violent crimes recorded in India last year, 228,650 were against women. The real figure is thought to be much higher as so many women are reluctant to report attacks to the police, AFP said.
Meanwhile, rape and sexual exploitation committed and being committed with a genocidal intent by the Sinhala military occupying the country of Eezham Tamils are allowed to go as ‘accepted’ by the powers that see the Sinhala militarisation as solution to their interests in the island, Tamil social workers in the island said.
Victims among the ex-LTTE cadres and among the public are unable to come out with cases, as not only the victims but also their family members are intimidated and gagged. The occupying SL military is confident of the international impunity bestowed on it by the Establishments that groom it, the social workers said.
Besides New Delhi that never said anything against the SL military or against the multi-faceted genocide, some European Establishments having significant Tamil diaspora are also keen in seeing that such victims should not come out in making their cases public to get justice from the world, informed sources said.