Impeachment motion -shame on Bar Association Heads ! they meet MaRa on the sly – man is a wolf to man proved

(Lanka-e-News -03.Nov.2012, 7.30PM) The Executive Committee of the SL Bar Association which met on the 2nd following tremendous pressures being brought to bear on it by Lawyers and Lawyers Associations of the districts demanding a meeting immediately, decided to summon a conference with the participation of all the members on the 10th of this month.
The higher officials of the SLBA who had been deaf and dumb to all the vicious and venomous attacks from the time Minister Rishard Badurdeen launched attacks on the Puttalam courts until today , and having taken no notice of even the subsequent grave assaults and attacks mounted against the Judges and the judiciary as a whole by the MaRa regime had on the 2nd arrived at another derogatory decision pertaining to the impeachment motion against the Chief Justice ,based on its backdoor policies motivated by deliberately dilatory , depraved and deceitful aims.
That is , the Association had sent a letter requesting an appointment from the speaker to discuss the impeachment motion. The clownish leaders of the Association had pleaded stupid ignorance of the charges , and therefore claimed that they should learn of the charges by meeting the speaker , thereby making that an excuse in order to resort to this treacherous deceitful dilatory action. The Executive Committee had also decided not to reveal what was discussed.
On the 2nd when Lanka e news tried to contact Sanjaya Gamage, the secretary of the Bar Assocoation, after the conclusion of the meeting , he did not answer the call. Later his line was put in off mode.
Meanwhile , according to reports reaching Lanka e news , the double dealing lawyers holding high positions in the Association had met the regime chief on the 1st on the sly. This meeting has lasted 45 mins. The heads of the SLBA who did not care two hoots about the impeachment motion against the CJ or the police being sent round and round the mulberry bush to help the culprits in respect of the attacks launched on the JSC Secretary and the courts , has had a sumptuous meal with MaRa at the Temple trees and returned belching and bellowing after the MaRa had given them belly full like how he would feed buffaloes. MaRa had fed the buffaloes with some sweet lies too. He had told them the assailants in JSC secretary Manjula Thilakaratne assault case will be very soon arrested , and as the impeachment motion has been presented to Parliament , it is better that subject is not discussed. The Double faced double dealers were thoroughly satisfied with the duplicitous answer of MaRa who is a better double game expert. The Double dealer heads of Bar’s fully satisfied with the meal have walked out silently and happily after the discussion.
It is most regrettable that these double dealing Bar Association representatives forgot the fact on the 1st that they are representing 14000 lawyers across the country who repose faith in them. Hence every double deal of theirs means a double betrayal of those lawyers.
It is a common adage that ‘man is a wolf to man’ , but might we hasten to tell these wolfish lawyers that the wolves are kind to one another among themselves, unlike these black coated wolves. In other words this adage created by man is a libel on the wolf for they are kind among themselves.
Meanwhile MaRa had told those who are arranging the impeachment ‘ you all carry on with the impeachment , I will look after the Bar’( What MaRa meant by the ‘Bar’ was the SLBA, the pack of wolves among humans.)

The higher officials of the SLBA who had been deaf and dumb to all the vicious and venomous attacks from the time Minister Rishard Badurdeen launched attacks on the Puttalam courts until today , and having taken no notice of even the subsequent grave assaults and attacks mounted against the Judges and the judiciary as a whole by the MaRa regime had on the 2nd arrived at another derogatory decision pertaining to the impeachment motion against the Chief Justice ,based on its backdoor policies motivated by deliberately dilatory , depraved and deceitful aims.
That is , the Association had sent a letter requesting an appointment from the speaker to discuss the impeachment motion. The clownish leaders of the Association had pleaded stupid ignorance of the charges , and therefore claimed that they should learn of the charges by meeting the speaker , thereby making that an excuse in order to resort to this treacherous deceitful dilatory action. The Executive Committee had also decided not to reveal what was discussed.
On the 2nd when Lanka e news tried to contact Sanjaya Gamage, the secretary of the Bar Assocoation, after the conclusion of the meeting , he did not answer the call. Later his line was put in off mode.
Meanwhile , according to reports reaching Lanka e news , the double dealing lawyers holding high positions in the Association had met the regime chief on the 1st on the sly. This meeting has lasted 45 mins. The heads of the SLBA who did not care two hoots about the impeachment motion against the CJ or the police being sent round and round the mulberry bush to help the culprits in respect of the attacks launched on the JSC Secretary and the courts , has had a sumptuous meal with MaRa at the Temple trees and returned belching and bellowing after the MaRa had given them belly full like how he would feed buffaloes. MaRa had fed the buffaloes with some sweet lies too. He had told them the assailants in JSC secretary Manjula Thilakaratne assault case will be very soon arrested , and as the impeachment motion has been presented to Parliament , it is better that subject is not discussed. The Double faced double dealers were thoroughly satisfied with the duplicitous answer of MaRa who is a better double game expert. The Double dealer heads of Bar’s fully satisfied with the meal have walked out silently and happily after the discussion.
It is most regrettable that these double dealing Bar Association representatives forgot the fact on the 1st that they are representing 14000 lawyers across the country who repose faith in them. Hence every double deal of theirs means a double betrayal of those lawyers.
It is a common adage that ‘man is a wolf to man’ , but might we hasten to tell these wolfish lawyers that the wolves are kind to one another among themselves, unlike these black coated wolves. In other words this adage created by man is a libel on the wolf for they are kind among themselves.
Meanwhile MaRa had told those who are arranging the impeachment ‘ you all carry on with the impeachment , I will look after the Bar’( What MaRa meant by the ‘Bar’ was the SLBA, the pack of wolves among humans.)