Govt responds to US statement at UPR

Speaking to the Daily Mirror, Government Spokesman Keheliya Rambukwella said the legislators had acted completely within the Constitutional framework.
“If jungle law has been practiced in this instance I can understand all these allegations and counter-allegations regarding the motion but that is not the case. We as legislators have acted completely within the framework provided in the Constitution” he said.
The United States representative at the UPR in a statement urged the government especially in the light of today’s news of the efforts to impeach the Chief Justice, to strengthen judicial independence by ending government interference with the judicial process, protecting members of the judiciary from attacks and restoring a fair, independent, and transparent mechanism to oversee judicial appointments.
Rambukwella said as far as the government is concerned it does not get involved in matters of the judiciary.
“Should a democratic country use the constitution and act within it, or to go beyond or against it? These are the questions that need to be asked from those making these statements. As far as the government is concerned it does not get involved with matters of the judiciary, but when there is an issue between the judiciary and others there is provision in the Constitution as to how it should be resolved” he said. (HF)