(Lanka-e-News- 05.Oct.2012, 10.00PM) Sources inside the police
have made a shocking disclosure that the two student activists of the Inter
University Council did not die in a hit and run accident , but they were killed
in cold blood on a premeditated conspiracy.. They had been murdered at a
different place by attacking them in their heads with heavy weapons. After
killing, their bodies had been brought and deposited elsewhere to make it look
as if they had met with an accident in a motor cycle and their helmets had
knocked the object.
Hereunder are details :
The first information
regarding these deaths that it was given to the Werellegama police post under
the Gampaha police headquarters by a vehicle that had been traveling is an
absolute lie. On the contrary , the first telephone call had been received by
the Gampaha police headquarters. The information had been first given by an
anonymous caller on the 27th at 4.40 at dawn . He had stated that at Imbulgoda ,
two individuals are lying fallen down and a motor cycle is in the vicinity. He
had not told whether it was a vehicle accident or whether the victims were dead.
At 4.45 a m . , the Gampaha police headquarters had informed the Werellagama
police post that they had received information that there had been a vehicle
accident on Kandy Road , Imbulgoda , and to conduct investigations.
the Werellagama police post telephone register under No. 163 this phone call is
recorded. Therein , it is mentioned that it is police sergeant 23355 ,R S B
Perera who had recorded this at 4.45 a.m. What is most perplexing is , though
the phone call to the Werelagama police post is on record , the first call to
the Gampaha police headquarters had not been recorded. If the informant is
reluctant to reveal his name to the police , that should have been noted. Yet ,
nothing in that connection is recorded in writing though those are most
important and crucial. Full
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