Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Saturday, October 6, 2012

PSD Major who orchestrated the student killings exposed
(Lanka-e-News-06.Oct.2012, 9.30pM) Lanka e news is in receipt of more concealed information on the ghastly deaths of the two University students . There are more reports on the suspicious vehicles , namely two jeeps and two motor bikes of the President security division (PSD ) which were prowling in the area when the deaths occurred. 

When the Gampaha police night patrol security had inspected one of the jeeps , the individual inside the jeep has stated ‘we are of the PSD’. This individual who told this has been identified as Major R S D Tissa of the PSD.

The suspect , Arachchi Saralage Milinga Sanjeewa alias ‘Rail para Sanjeewa’, the underworld member linked to the murder of the students, after having committed the murders , has traveled to Yakkala clock tower junction by another vehicle. From there he had been taken away in the PSD jeep of the aforementioned Major Tissa. Thereafter , the vehicle in which the murderer had arrived for the crime was diverted towards Gampaha. It may be considered that all these have been recorded.

Rail para Sanjeewa who was so taken away murdered the students believing that there will be no evidence to prove his murders . But facts and evidence began to seep through that deaths were not due to an accident but due to killing .
Based on the inquiries conducted by Lanka e news , the native place of Major Tissa is Elahera, Dehiwatta. He is called as Podi Tissa Mahathaya. It is reported that Major Podi Tissa had conducted many operations of murders for the MaRa regime committed by the PSD paramilitary force .