Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Saturday, October 6, 2012

"Black hole of history" in Sri Lanka

Saturday, 06 October 2012
250 people attended the launch of a new book that details the atrocities committed in the final months of the war in Sri Lanka. Entitled "Still Counting the Dead," the book is the account of survivors of what the book describes as "Sri Lanka's hidden war".
Speaking to a packed book launch, Frances Harrison decried the "black hole of history" into which atrocities committed at the end of Sri Lanka's civil war have been allowed to sink. Former chief peace negotiator Erik Solheim, speaking at the launch, called on the Government of Sri Lanka to take immediate steps to reach out to the Tamil community.
They were joined by former chair of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission Yasmin Sooka, who is a member of the UN Panel of Experts investigating the end phase of the Sri Lankan conflict. Also on the panel was International Crisis Group's Alan Keenan.
As well as launching the book, three exciting new projects were outlined. Former UN photographer, Benjamin Dix, spoke about his forthcoming innovative interactive graphic novel "the Vanni". Filmmaker Callum MacRae outlined plans for a further feature length documentary on the Sri Lankan civil war, and Christine Bacon of Ice & Fire theatre group outlined her forthcoming play - "the Island Nation" - based upon the book.
Erik Solheim said, "If the Government of Sri Lanka are serious about reaching out to the Tamil community there are four things they can do immediately:
1 - Release all Tamil Political Prisoners.
2 - Stop all disappearances and the so-called "white van incidents".
3 - Substantially reduce the military presence in the north.
4 - make a formal promise that there will be no state sponsored Sinhalaisation of the north and east."