Third Meeting of States Parties (3MSP) to the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM), Oslo 2012

(Lanka-e-News -29.Sep.2012, 6.30PM) Third meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) was held in Oslo – Norway from 11th to 14th September 2012.
111 countries are signatories to this, out of which 75 countries have ratified the Convention already. 84 countries of the world are yet to become signatories and that includes U.S.A, China, Russia, Pakistan and India.
Sri Lanka participated in this as an observer, as our country also has not been a signatory yet.
Participants discussed sufferings caused by cluster munitions (C.Ms) as indiscriminate killings and untold hardships to civilians.
A comprehensive ban is the only way to resolve this problem, it was agreed, a larger number of diverse groups attended this meeting, totaling about 700 delegates.
Some countries have already taken action to destroy C.Ms in their countries, so members were happy that now the Convention is working.

111 countries are signatories to this, out of which 75 countries have ratified the Convention already. 84 countries of the world are yet to become signatories and that includes U.S.A, China, Russia, Pakistan and India.
Sri Lanka participated in this as an observer, as our country also has not been a signatory yet.
Participants discussed sufferings caused by cluster munitions (C.Ms) as indiscriminate killings and untold hardships to civilians.
A comprehensive ban is the only way to resolve this problem, it was agreed, a larger number of diverse groups attended this meeting, totaling about 700 delegates.
Some countries have already taken action to destroy C.Ms in their countries, so members were happy that now the Convention is working.
Several Ministers, Deputy Ministers and a large number of Ambassadors attended this and Foreign Minister of Norway, Mr.Jonas Gahr, opened the Conference. Ambassador Mr.Steffen Konsgards of Norway was elected as the Chairman.
Mr.C.V.Rajapakse, The Deputy Chief of Mission, Sri Lanka Embassy in Oslo, Norway was the Head of the delegation from Sri Lanka for CCMs Oslo - 2012 and Air vice Marshal Wasantha Balasuriya was the Deputy of the delegation.
Mr.C.V.Rajapakse, The Deputy Chief of Mission, Sri Lanka Embassy in Oslo, Norway was the Head of the delegation from Sri Lanka for CCMs Oslo - 2012 and Air vice Marshal Wasantha Balasuriya was the Deputy of the delegation.