India pays special attention to Sri Lanka-Pakistan nuclear power plant
Friday, 03 August 2012

The Indians believe that Power and Energy Minister Champika Ranawaka since assuming office in his portfolio had shown interest in generating power through nuclear power. Their belief has been confirmed by the fact that he is the general secretary of the Sinhala extremist JHU. India believes that regardless of power generation through nuclear power, Sri Lanka was trying to get hold of nuclear technology for weapons through Pakistan.
Forces from within India and external forces affiliated to India have expressed concern over the possibility of manufacturing nuclear weapons and storage since it would be a risk to India’s political stability and security.
Experts on foreign affairs say that the briefing given to Indian Premier by India’s resident High Commissioner in Sri Lanka Ashok Kantha on the issue once the Indian media had broken the story could not be considered lightly.
The Indians are concerned that Atomic and Energy agency is under the purview of the Power and Energy Ministry that is held by a politician with radical ideas. The Indian concerns have grown to such an extent against Ranawaka that Tamil Nadu politicians recently protested against him. The Indian government has exerted pressure on the Sri Lankan government in various ways to get Ranawaka removed from his post.
However, Ranawaka has told the media that there is no plan to set up a nuclear power plant in Trincomalee with Pakistan. He added that the Indian reports were false.