'Military dominates every aspect of public life' - Lal Wijenayake
30 JULY 2012

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- 18 JULY 2012
'Reconciliation' is a facade used to coverup crimes'
In January 2010, a Peoples' Tribunal on Sri Lanka was conducted in Ireland by Milan based Permanent Peoples' Tribunal (PPT), an independent international body, which derives its legacy from Russell - Satre Tribunal on Vietnam. The international hearing....

- 25 JUNE 2012
'Five habours under military occupation' - Herman Kumara
Few months back Herman Kumara was living virtually in hiding. He was a target of a state orchestrated smear campaign that portrayed him as the ‘prime culprit’ behind the massive protests staged by angry fishermen. Unidentified men visited his house to query his....

- 17 JUNE 2012
'13th Amendment is irredeemable' - Constitutional expert
Dr. Jayampathy Wickramaratne is a President's Counsel who served as a Consultant to the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs from 1996 to 2001. In 2004, he was made a Senior Advisor to the Ministry of Constitutional Affairs and also functioned as a member...
Interviewed by Kithsiri Wijesinghe

- 03 JULY 2012
'Political deadlock caused by Sinhala supremacist thinking'
In March, when the UN Human Rights Council session was in progress, the Sri Lankan State media launched a scathing attack on the rights activists who were attending Geneva sessions. They were accused of 'orchestrating a plot to destroy Sri Lanka’s reputation’....
Interviewed by Kithsiri Wijesinghe