All Over The World Will Always Miss You, Comrade Roy
Below we give Tamil
Representative Suren Surendiran’s Speech (transcript) at the State Funeral of
South African Late Minister R L (Roy) Padayachie

Your Excellency the President, Hon Prime Minister, Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Sally, Comrade Roy’s Family, Fellow Comrades, Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen
Your Excellency the President, Hon Prime Minister, Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Sally, Comrade Roy’s Family, Fellow Comrades, Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen
be asked to speak today, to be part of this event in memory of Comrade Roy, is
both humbling and a privilege. My wife and I flew in from London, to represent
the Tamil people in the island of Sri Lanka and around the world, as members of
Global Tamil Forum, at this memorial of a remarkable individual, who is greatly
admired as a man of enormous energy, who gave his all, to free his people, he
was Comrade Roy, who convinced the Global Tamil Forum with his revolutionary
experience and urged a large section of Tamil people of my generation, that it
was our sacred duty, to help our fellow brothers and sisters in their
emancipation, from the evils of oppression.
it was Comrade Roy, who set out for my generation, that we all have a duty, to
meet obligations that arise from
Our social originsYou watch his speech @ 1:01 here
Our mutual solidarity
The claims of justice
And today, we want to honour the legacy, of Comrade Roy.
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