A drop for you from the ocean of fraud sinking SL with the participation of Rajapakse–Cabraal, notorious swindlers
Sunday 6 of May 2012
(Lanka-e-News-06.May.2012, 8.30PM) The Island newspaper of the Upali newspaper Co. belonging to Govt. Telecom Chairman and Govt. Finance Committee member Nimal Welgama reported yesterday, that the President Mahinda Rajapakse had instructed to revoke the illicit deal (ostensibly legal) that was transacted by the husband of the Chief Justice jointly with the Central Bank Governor in the Colombo stock exchange amidst relentless charges mounted by the people of the country, day in and day out.
This backdoor transaction took place with the direct involvement of National savings Bank Chairman Prasad Kariyawasam who is the husband of the chief justice of SL, Sriyani Bandaranaike .. The Lanka e news exposed this sordid transaction where selected shares of The Finance Co. were purchased at inflated prices from the shareholders who were trading on them, whereby a storm of controversy was triggered Island wide. This also led to certain sections with the Govt. and opposition, as well as the media to raise strong protests against the deal.
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This backdoor transaction took place with the direct involvement of National savings Bank Chairman Prasad Kariyawasam who is the husband of the chief justice of SL, Sriyani Bandaranaike .. The Lanka e news exposed this sordid transaction where selected shares of The Finance Co. were purchased at inflated prices from the shareholders who were trading on them, whereby a storm of controversy was triggered Island wide. This also led to certain sections with the Govt. and opposition, as well as the media to raise strong protests against the deal.
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