Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Colombo Telegraph Blocked Again

May 8, 2012

By Colombo Telegraph -
Colombo Telegraph

Access to website has been blocked in Sri Lanka by since Saturday May 5, 2012.  Colombo based an international award-winning citizens journalism website groundviews and Journalist Nalaka Gunawardene tweeted this morning;
Is Colombo Telegraph just down for us, or it is blocked? We are on SLT ADSL #lka #srilanka
8/5/12 6:48 AM
@groundviews It’s down for me too this AM – and on same ISP. #lka Colombo Telegraph must have carried a particularly inconvenient truth?
8/5/12 6:58 AM
@groundviews and so is @facebook . works thru proxy though
8/5/12 7:03 AM
@NalakaG @ThilinaRa Colombo Telegraph loads fine on Dialog dongle. Maybe this story irks the powers? (JPG image)
8/5/12 8:14 AM
We urge our readers to use proxy servers at the moment or follow Colombo Telegraph Face Book Page and share this news with your friends.
Colombo Telegraph has been blocked by all Internet Service Providers randomly and news based since November 4, 2011. Several journalists, academics, lawyers and human rights activists based in Sri Lanka independently confirmed that they were unable to access the website via ADSL since yesterday.