The Scales Of Justice Are Tipped Upside Down

After all, a good lawyer has a better chance of keeping one out of jail than a bad one. The only problem is that good lawyers cost a tidy amount. So by that yard stick alone, the poor start with a major handicap. Add the influence peddling of the elite and bribery and corruption and the system is highly tilted in favour of the rich and famous. So, the system gets some sort of credibility when once in a way a rich or a famous person ends up at least in remand prison in spite of his wealth and connections.
The credibility of the justice system takes a huge knock when the rich and the famous even after being sent to prison end up in the relatively luxurious Merchants Ward of the General Hospital. Or, are flown out where they are allowed to lie for months in a foreign hospital allegedly enjoying visits from the Head of State no less. Read More »