Rs. 150 million house for Gamini Senarath on Gregory’s Road
Saturday, 28 April 2012

Well known Casino businessmen, Dhammika Perera and Ravi Wijeratne had helped put up the house.
Gamini Senarath is in-charge of depositing monies of the President and family in Swiss bank accounts. MP Sajin Vass Gunawardena has deposited the President’s monies in the Middle East.
Senarath also advices the President on carrying out massive projects with international cooperation and allocating such tenders. He also maintains a large scale printing press. All text books required for state schools are being printed in this printing press and the Education Minister has now power to take any action against the printing press even if it delays delivering the printed text books to be distributed among school children.
Gamini Senarath served as an ordinary public officer and he was appointed as the Commissioner General of the Motor Traffic Department by then Minister Vajira Abeywardena during the two year UNF government under Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe.
Gamini Senarath is also a close relative of the President.
Apart from the house on Gregory’s Road, he also owns several luxury houses in the country.