Katankudy muslim masjid set on fire : Ulemas and Muslim Council jointly issue notice imploring to remain calm
(Lanka-e-News-26.April.2012, 11.55PM) The Muslim Masjid Association Headquarters Building at Katankudy district had been set on fire this early morning at about 5.30 by an identified group. Consequently , the windows and doors of the Building had been destroyed . The Fire Brigade that arrived had brought the fire under control. Following this arson attack , security for the premises had been beefed up.
The Jemmiyathul Ulema Association and the SL Muslim Council had issued a joint communiqué in connection with the Jumma prayers of the Muslims tomorrow, Friday:
Let us pray for a peaceful solution to the Dambulla episode .
The All Ceylon Jamiyathul ulema Association (Moulavis) and the Muslim Council in relation to the Dambulla mosque incident implore the Muslim population not to join in protests or go on processions and fall prey to a conspiracy which is aimed at destroying the cordial ties existing between the Muslim and the Buddhist communities .
The Al Quran had emphasized that every peril and disaster can be averted and solved by worship.
This dispute had been triggered by groups with personal agendas . We humbly urge our Muslims to pray for an early solution to this issue and recite the ‘kunooth prayer’ at the Jumma prayers and disperse peacefully.
The Muslim religious , civil and political leaders together ought to discuss with the relevant officials and find a just solution to this.
May Allah grant our prayers.

The Jemmiyathul Ulema Association and the SL Muslim Council had issued a joint communiqué in connection with the Jumma prayers of the Muslims tomorrow, Friday:
Let us pray for a peaceful solution to the Dambulla episode .
The All Ceylon Jamiyathul ulema Association (Moulavis) and the Muslim Council in relation to the Dambulla mosque incident implore the Muslim population not to join in protests or go on processions and fall prey to a conspiracy which is aimed at destroying the cordial ties existing between the Muslim and the Buddhist communities .
The Al Quran had emphasized that every peril and disaster can be averted and solved by worship.
This dispute had been triggered by groups with personal agendas . We humbly urge our Muslims to pray for an early solution to this issue and recite the ‘kunooth prayer’ at the Jumma prayers and disperse peacefully.
The Muslim religious , civil and political leaders together ought to discuss with the relevant officials and find a just solution to this.
May Allah grant our prayers.