I strongly advice the Muslim and other ministers to quit –Robin Hood
Friday 27 of April 2012
(Lanka-e-News-27.April.2012, 5.00PM) It is amazing to see the presence of Muslim ministers speaking behalf of the recent Dambulla incident of eviction of a Muslim worship place. It is surprising to see the amount of ambiguous statements being made by different ministers and governors condemning the attack. It is astonishing to see from where these ministers suddenly appeared to speak behalf of the community after disappearing for quite a long time.
It is wonderful to witness the interest of these ministers to give statements for the community for matters such as destruction of a mosque, permitting qurban (halal slaughtering) during the Ramadan and for the removal of the ban of calling for prayers (azan). It appears that the Muslim ministers do not have any opportunities other than this to talk behalf of the community. There are hundred and one important issues like this the ministers have never spoken a single word behalf of the people.
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Friday 27 of April 2012

It is wonderful to witness the interest of these ministers to give statements for the community for matters such as destruction of a mosque, permitting qurban (halal slaughtering) during the Ramadan and for the removal of the ban of calling for prayers (azan). It appears that the Muslim ministers do not have any opportunities other than this to talk behalf of the community. There are hundred and one important issues like this the ministers have never spoken a single word behalf of the people.
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