Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The hazardous journeys of Sri Lankan Tamil refugees

BBC18 April 2012
By Swaminathan Natarajan
BBC Tamil

Relatives and friends of Sri Lankan Tamils who risked their lives in search of a better future abroad after the end of the war in May 2009 are desperately seeking information as to their fates.
Many Tamil refugees have to endure tough conditions on poorly maintained vessels
File photo of Tamil refugees on a boatThousands of Tamils migrated from the country to escape the violence of the 30-year civil war, which ended with Sri Lankan troops routing the separatist Tamil Tigers.
Many have fallen prey to dangerous human smuggling networks, their families say.
The smugglers reportedly charge between $25,000 (£16,000) and $50,000 (£33,000) to take a person from Sri Lanka to places like Australia or Canada.
Those wanting to get out are first taken to India or Thailand and then to Australia by boat.
Tamizhini's brother Rassaiya AnandadeepanJayaveerasingam SivaguruMany Sri Lankan Tamils have gone missing during this voyage, while others have been caught by the authorities and are languishing in prisons.
Tamizhini hopes her brother Rassaiya Anandadeepan may still be alive>>>
Jayaveerasingam Sivaguru has not been heard of for over two years Full Story>>>