H. L. D. Mahindapala on
return from Geneva

Resolution watered down
Besides, America was forced time and again to water down its resolution to get the necessary votes. Even after bringing it down to the barest minimum America and India barely managed to scrape through. Considering the heavy weights and the massive resources that went into battle against little Lanka the victory does not add to the prestige of either America or India. At the end of the day both appeared as untrustworthy bullies than triumphant victors of a moral cause. It will stand out as a text book case of human rights being exploited unashamedly to serve the domestic imperatives of big powers than the states and the communities struggling to regain peace, reconciliation and human rights that were denied by the deadliest terrorists who, like the sponsors of the US Resolution, hid behind human rights to violate international humanitarian law. It also demonstrates amply that human rights was a simple case of might is right and not right is might. Read more...