Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Monday, March 26, 2012

Executive President put in fetters: time is ripe to defeat fake patriots and pedestal Mihindu -Sangamitta ahimsa traditions

 (Lanka-e-News-25.March.2012, 3.00PM) The people of the country who are not fully aware of the resolutions adopted at the Geneva conference , the deceitful politicians, the opposition frauds and counterfeit patriots have taken offence against those resolutions and begun opposing them . But the question is , can we Sri Lankan Buddhists who are adherents of Mihindu Thero and Sangamitta and who have made ‘ ahimsa’ as an integral part of our life, as men ,women and youths having intelligence truly oppose these proposals.?
Please carefully read the resolutions given hereunder that were adopted yesterday at the Geneva conference:
UNHRC covenant. 
Universal statement regarding human rights following the universal treaties and other relevant documents pertaining to human rights.
As noted under 5/1 and 5/2 of the recommendations strengthening the Human rights Council.
It is reiterated that when a country is engaged in a conflict against terrorists , the measures taken by it are bound by international laws., specially international human rights ,while refugee and humanitarian laws shall be abided by to the maximum .
It is noted that the explanations and recommendations in the SL lessons learnt and reconciliation Commission (LLRC) report regarding national reconciliation measures are monitored .
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