The All Party Parliamentary Group for Tamils (APPGT) in collaboration with the British Tamils Forum (BTF) held an exhibition on 31st January 2012, at the UK Parliament building. The exhibition highlighted the current situation of the Tamils in Sri Lanka; and why, the Lesson Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) report recently published by the Sri Lankan Government will not deliver justice to the Tamil civilians for the crimes committed by the Sri Lankan Armed Forces during the final stages of the war in 2009.
The event in portcullis house was well attended by MPs from all the major parties, Members of European parliament, Peers from the House of Lords and diplomats from various foreign missions in London and journalists.
Photos, books, publications, documentaries and videos were on display. There were also key eyewitnesses to the bloody war in Sri Lanka present at the event. Over one hundred invited honourable guests attended the event and were given information pack containing reports, documents and photographs. A printed version of Tamil National Alliance (TNA) response to the LLRC was also given to the visitors.
This BTF coordinated effort was used as a launching pad for the March 2012 UN Human Rights Council session to push for political will in the UK and also coincides with the so-called Independence Day remembrance of Sri Lanka.
The exhibition is part of the project ENLIGHTEN, which was started in Nov 2007 and continues to publish informative materials.
British Tamils Forum (BTF), Canadian Tamil Congress (CTC), Holland Tamil Forum (HTF), UK Tamils Youth Organisation (TYO UK) and Tamil Information Centre (TIC) helped in research and fact compilation for this exhibition.Documentaries named “My neighbour a Sri Lanka Tamil” by 3rd eye productions and “Mullaitheevu Saga” by S. Someetharan was screened in the exhibition room.

Recently released Sri Lankan government’s Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission report failed to investigate any of the war crime charges yet, cleared the Sri Lankan military and its command structure from any accountability for these charges. In June 2011,
Speaking after the transmission of Channel 4’s documentary ‘Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields’, Foreign Office Minister for South Asia Alistair Burt said: “I was shocked by the horrific scenes I saw in the documentary that was broadcast on 14 June.

UK has called for an independent, thorough and credible investigation of the allegations that war crimes were committed during the hostilities and the UK Government expects to see progress by the end of the year. If the Sri Lankan government does not respond we will support the international community in revisiting all options available to press the Sri Lankan Government to fulfil its obligations.’’
The above deadline given by the minister to Sri Lanka had passed and the participants requested that the UK government consider all the available ‘’options’’ now. The Sri Lankan government seems determined to disregard all international human rights conventions and embolden by the international inaction, has resorted to abductions, threats and unlawful executions while continuing its programme of structural genocide
on the Tamil people in Sri Lanka. It has also resorted to unlawful and undemocratic means to silence the call for justice by those few amongst the Sinhalese community as well. If the international community fails to act now, the Tamil population and their identity would be completely wiped out from Sri Lanka within a short period, completing the structural genocide.

Most of the MP’s present from all the major political parties in the British parliament called on the international community to come together and take immediate measures to establish an international independent investigation through the multilateral agencies like UNHRC and ICC.
Some comments and quotes from the honourable guests
John Mc Donnell MP said ‘‘this exhibition helps to expose the suffering and oppression the Tamil people have endured for decades. The world must stand up to support the Tamils right to justice’’.
Ms Heidi Alexander MP said “The need for an international independent investigation into the crimes and atrocities that have taken place in Sri Lanka is clear from your exhibition and the UK has a responsibility to act to make this happen.’’
Jim Dowd MP said that a full independent international investigation is both necessary and a pre-requisite for ensuring that peace, freedom and liberty can be expected for all in Sri Lanka.
Lord Kennedy said that a full independent inquiry by the UN is required as soon as possible into what happened in Sri Lanka.
Teresa Pearce MP said that the efforts of the organisers of the exhibition has made her determined to re-double her efforts to make sure that we have an independent international investigation.
Paul Goggins MP said that the exhibition tells a horrific story and a whole series of circumstances that needs to be thoroughly investigated so that justice can be established and it can be a foundation for future peace.
Robert Halfon MP wrote: “A very special exhibition. We must stop the genocide of the Tamils. The world must stop the barbarism of the Sri Lankan regime.”
Lee Scott MP, Chairman APPGT wrote: “I will continue to fight for justice.”
Mike Gapes MP said that the international community has failed so far to bring about an international independent inquiry. It is disgraceful that the UN Human Rights Council has not gone further on these. The British government should continue to press with the UN and its institutions for an international independent inquiry.
Gavin Barlow MP said that what comes out of the exhibition is a genuine need for an independent international investigation to bring to justice those that are responsible for war crimes and to begin a genuine reconciliation in Sri Lanka.
John Mann MP said that having seen the atrocities taking place in the Tamil community in Sri Lanka, I support the call for an independent international investigation.
Shadow Foreign Secretary Douglas Alexander MP also visited the exhibition.
Adrian Baily MP wrote: This display illustrates that persecution and injustice still prevail in Sri Lanka. They underline the need for international investigation and action.
Pat McFadden MP wrote: The images shown here are heartbreaking. It is vital that there is a future in which all the people of Sri Lanka feel they belong.
David Fineberg, said “I fully support the Tamil community. Being Jewish and seeing similar things happen in Sri Lanka makes me want to cry and shout to the world that this should not be happening.”
Ms Amanda Cox wrote, “Where is the international community?”
Paul Abbott wrote, “I hope you get a proper UN inquiry, it’s outrages that it hasn’t happened already.’’
Cllr Tania Solomons wrote: We are devastated to see what is going on. The exhibition is a very extraordinary eye opener. I pray that we can have an International Independent Investigation.
Posted in BTF Press Release, News