The Rapist J.D.C. Jayasinghe is given a High Position at the Ministry of Mass Media & Information
| by Darshani Wimalasuriya & Nirmal Peris
( February 03, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) A senior administrative officer accused of rape and child molestation has been appointed to a high position in the Ministry of Mass Media & Information. JDC Jayasinghe alias Javigodage Don Charles Jayasinghe also known as Muddaragama Kukul Charlie was accused of raping a young woman named Maldeniyage Priyadharshani from Minuwangoda in 1999.

Maldeniyage Priyadarshani was a young girl who worked in a garment factory in Katunayaka. She was young, attractive and naive. She was struggling to overcome the poverty and dreamed of having a better life for her and for her family. When she met J.D.C. Jayasinghe a senior officer attached to the Ministry of Health in 1999 Jayasinghe promised her to find a government job in the Minuwangoda Hospital. She was overjoyed and highly enthusiastic about the new job in a government hospital -working as a female sanitary laborer. J.D.C. Jayasinghe boasted his contacts at the Health Ministry and promised Priyadarshani that she would be getting the job soon. Maldeniyage Priyadarshani was convinced that this kind gentleman, a fatherly figure was going to help her and find a pensionable government job. One day he asked her to come for a job interview and took her to a hotel room and then forcibly raped her. Her world fell apart and she could not face neither the family nor the society. Her dream of becoming a bride and to have a loving family , a good job was destroyed by a sexual predator.