ü President throws toys out of the cot with dissatisfaction with the way the country’s External Affairs Ministry, The Central Bank are run and has reacted like a volcano with regards to the recent behaviour of the TNA, particularly with it’s leader
ü Gotabaya Rajapaksa has been tasked to neutralise the vociferous Tamil Diaspora
ü Gotabaya Rajapaksa has been tasked to neutralise the vociferous Tamil Diaspora
ü Fonseka release is put on ice
Economic mismanagement and corruption which have largely driven Sri Lanka to the verge of collapse and submission. The Sri Lankan currency, rupee had been formally devalued in the budget speech delivered by the President at the end of last year. The rupee has since depreciated even when the Central Bank has tried its best to artificially maintain the rupees’ value. IMF has flatly refused to let the final tranche of the facility be drawn due to lack of fiscal discipline, balance of payment crisis and out of control in public expenditure. Although various senior government ministers and the governor of central bank have articulated that Sri Lanka may not need the final tranche payment from the IMF, yet the President travelled to Pakistan to sign a credit facility for US $200m at a much higher interest rate. In his private conversations with the President and Prime Minister of Singapore a few days ago again the President has tried to persuade Singapore to help financially to avert a now unpredictable economic disaster.
The energy and fuel price hikes which have significantly impacted day to day life of ordinary Sri Lankans, corporations small and large and the government departments themselves are creating havoc in the streets of Sri Lanka. Strikes, protests, demonstrations are building up. Opposition parties however weak they may seem to have been building bridges ignoring their differences with the view to create more hardship and splits within the coalition government.
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