As we all very well know that fisher falks in Sri Lanka belongs to the most hardest of hardest working class and engaged in a dangerous job purely by the circumstances. Their harsh living conditions and lack of modern facilities for their job makes their living extremely tough. Steep increase of diesel prices makes their very survival at present threatened. Under the circumstances they have all the right to show their grievances. This is a fundamental right of any person living in a centralized democracy. If this right is taken away by killing the person and this is a fundamental human right violation and a crime under any pretext.
As common practice for millions of families in Sri Lanka today, the economic circumstances forced his wife to seek work in the Middle East leaving the small children without a mother at home. This is not an isolated cause that one family has to endeavour in Sri Lanka. These are extremely tragic circumstances common to hundreds of thousands of families today in Sri Lanka. These unavoidable tragic conditions are created by utter mismanagement, corruption and irresponsible policies of the rulers present and past of Sri Lanka.
One has to look at the deceptive nature of the real economic situation in the country that led to this tragic event. The only policy decision that released to the public prior to this event was the floating of Sri Lanka rupee against the US dollar. You can make judgment on how this translated to a 37% increase of diesel price and 49.1 % increase of kerosene price. The regime has been maintaining the rupee value arbitrary not based on any economic principles but by pure glorifications purposes as we see in many so-called development projects and other areas in the society. Money wasting Mihin Air, Hambanthota port, Norochchaile Power Stations, Maththala Air Port etc. are a few to be mentioned.
Until a vast majority of Sri Lankan understands the underneath reasons for these tragic events these will be the norm for the Sri Lanka.
As common practice for millions of families in Sri Lanka today, the economic circumstances forced his wife to seek work in the Middle East leaving the small children without a mother at home. This is not an isolated cause that one family has to endeavour in Sri Lanka. These are extremely tragic circumstances common to hundreds of thousands of families today in Sri Lanka. These unavoidable tragic conditions are created by utter mismanagement, corruption and irresponsible policies of the rulers present and past of Sri Lanka.
One has to look at the deceptive nature of the real economic situation in the country that led to this tragic event. The only policy decision that released to the public prior to this event was the floating of Sri Lanka rupee against the US dollar. You can make judgment on how this translated to a 37% increase of diesel price and 49.1 % increase of kerosene price. The regime has been maintaining the rupee value arbitrary not based on any economic principles but by pure glorifications purposes as we see in many so-called development projects and other areas in the society. Money wasting Mihin Air, Hambanthota port, Norochchaile Power Stations, Maththala Air Port etc. are a few to be mentioned.
Until a vast majority of Sri Lankan understands the underneath reasons for these tragic events these will be the norm for the Sri Lanka.