Fellow Citizens of Tamil Eelam, our brethren from Tamil Nadu and of Diaspora, and our well-wishers,
As the entire world is welcoming the dawn of year 2012 with much fanfare and celebration, it is with pride and pleasure that I take this joyous moment to send you the warmest greetings on behalf of TGTE, and on my behalf.
As far as the Nation of Tamil Eelam is concerned, the year 2012 will remain an important year for all our activities. Let there be no doubt in our minds about it.
This is the year that we, the people of Tamil Eelam, will have to take concerted and meaningful steps in our struggle forward to extricate ourselves from the tentacles of Sinhala Buddhist racism. In this context, I consider it appropriate to share with you, some of my thoughts regarding these steps to be taken and about the action plan that TGTE proposes. As you may already be aware of, TGTE has already declared Year 2012 as the Year of the International Crimes Investigation.
In this Year of the International Crimes Investigation, let us resolve to resort to determined action and achieve steady progress in establishing in the international arena, that those war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Sri Lankan Government in those final days of their war of aggression against our people are indeed, a virulent manifestation of the crime of genocide; and what the Sri Lankan Government is carrying out to date on our soil against our people and against our institutions is part of the same act of genocide.
It is a matter of record that it hasn’t sunk well in the collective minds of International community that what the Sinhalam has been perpetrating against our people in our Homeland might constitute an act of genocide. They would rather prefer to view these crimes as War crimes. Be it those governments of the world, or be it some international human rights organizations, they all seem to prefer to approach this problem of ours from a war crimes perspective. In the present world order, where the overarching emphasis is on the vested interests of governments, none of these governments are in a position yet to yield to our requests and accept these acts of the Sri Lanka Government as constituting acts of genocide. The toughest challenge that lies ahead of us today is to get them to face the truth: what is being perpetrated against the Nation of Tamil Eelam today is an act of genocide. It is imperative that we implement a series carefully planned activities in order to face this challenge squarely. It also behooves us to garner the support of people of the world that stand for justice and peace; and then to operate effectively from this support base, to convince the governments of the world through a series of planned activities, that our cause is just and fair.
In this regard, TGTE has already formed a panel of experts and mandated it to engage in planning and executing a series of measures to further the genocide charges against the leadership of Sri Lanka. Simultaneously with the 3rd summit of the TGTE Assembly, the panel had sat in a brainstorming session in Buffalo to come up with strategies and tactics to bring forward the charges of genocide against Sri Lanka in the international arena. On the basis of decisions taken in that session, the panel will take some clearly defined measures beginning the year 2012.
It goes without saying, that garnering the support of the international community for an investigation on genocide charges against Sri Lankan Government is the inevitable next step in our struggle for liberation of our Homeland. It is for this reason that we have to give priority in our efforts to transform the international stance against Sri Lanka from that of war crimes to genocide.
It is about time too that we engaged in some direct struggles against the continuing structural genocide of the Sri Lankan Government in 2012. In order get these struggles going forward without a snag, the contribution and participation of the Homeland based Tamil leadership becomes indispensable. If the report of the Civil Society of our Homeland that came to the fore recently is anything, it is a fair indicator of the strong support that such a struggle could enlist from our Homeland brethren. As for our part, the TGTE commits itself to expanding the elements of such a struggle to our brethren in Diaspora and in Tamil Nadu. At present, there is every indication that the ill-fated powwow between the Homeland Tamil leadership and the Sinhala government may enter into a crisis mode any time soon and then break up. It is a certainty that the Sri Lankan Government will defeat all attempts by the Homeland Tamil leadership to bring it to its knees with the support of the international community. Under such circumstances, the need for the Nation of Tamil Eelam to engage in direct struggles in order to raise the pitch of its demand cannot be overemphasized. It is our earnest hope that 2012 will be the year to record an overwhelming number of such struggles. Any failure in direct talks will only help entrench our demand for an independent state of Tamil Eelam. That eventuality will, in turn, help to expand the international support base for the aspirations of the Eelam Tamil Nation for its own independent Homeland within the island.
From a strategic point of view, it is our hope to that TGTE will be able to take a step forward in the year 2012, in ensconcing itself as a power center to be reckoned with. From the inception onward, TGTE has been expanding its activity base gradually. At present, we are also making steady progress in expanding our ties to the nations of the world. We have established several contacts with many political entities including the Nation of South Sudan, the Government of Northern Ireland, and ANC of South Africa, many of the political leaders of international stature, and many scholars that count in the academic world; and we will certainly fortify and expand such contacts in the year 2012. These measures shall come in handy in our efforts to evolve TGTE’s status as a power center. If the TGTE is to succeed in its effort to transform itself as a power center, it is imperative that it should be seen as such in the State of Tamil Nadu. In this respect, the agenda of TGTE for the year 2012, accords a special place for its efforts to expand its activities in Tamil Nadu and other states of India.
It is our fervent hope that we shall be able to make steady progress in our march for liberation in the year 2012, by weaving in a meaningful way into our agenda such elements as:
The direct struggles in our Homeland against the continuing structural genocide of Sri Lankan Government;
Canvassing actively in the international arena for independent sovereign state of Tamil Eelam;
Taking forward our efforts to prove that the supposed war crimes of Sri Lankan leadership are indeed crimes of genocide; and
Taking concerted efforts to subject Sri Lankan regime to an independent international inquiry;
And, let me take this opportunity to assure you that for our part, we of the TGTE shall take all the necessary steps to ensure that our dear hopes blossom into a reality.
The thirst of the Nation is the Tamil Eelam Homeland!
V.Rudrakumaran (Prime Minister)