Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The true story behind Mohan Lal Grero's somersault: Ravaya Editor, not second to Grero

(Lanka-e-News-05.Dec.2011, 11.55PM) The true story behind Mohan Lal Grero who somersaulted to the MaRa regime ostensibly to serve the children of this country ‘like his own life’, and who earned the displeasure of all has now come to light.

Grero has to pay a sum of Rs. 70.2 million as income taxes to the Govt. ; Economic service levy of Rs. 59 lakhs ; national defense levy –Rs. 2 Lakhs. The total collection of levies due is Rs. 89000/-

Not a single cent has been paid by this so called national minded citizen whose love for children professedly is oozing at every pore in his body. Now the question is , has he any need to pay them or not following his treachery ? Grero ‘s love for children flows over only when he is thinking of a way to cheat on these payments. Naturally therefore the pristine children of the nation are reminded of Grero’s mother when realizing the wretched and diabolic ‘love’ of his for them.
The ‘Ravaya’ Editor , another unscrupulous and shameless individual is of the same ilk of Grero from the point of view of making a fast buck and sordid gains, ever ready to sacrifice even his soul at the altar of selfish advancement and greed for filthy lucre. This Editor who had brought shame on the entire journalistic profession by his degrading behavior stooped to the lowliest of levels to fawn on the Rajapakse regime by pretending not to notice the regime’s corruption and robbery of public funds in millions , not for nothing : The MaRa regime helped this Ravaya Editor to evade his income tax payment in arrears for several years amounting to Rs. 16.5 millions , and by giving advertisements of the Govt. to be published via his paper , he was helped to resuscitate his Institution . Lanka e news is in possession of every detail of these sordid and underhand deals .

These shameless individuals cannot say they have strengthened the ‘two hands’ of MaRa after having taken advantage of the tax evasion . They cannot see the truth or expose the untruths , or say they are aware that people are duped and deceived beyond anything they are accustomed to by this regime , for they are themselves an intimate and integral part of those crimes and criminals. They wont talk of their treachery and treason they are committing on the people by cheating on the people ‘s funds by evading taxes helped by an equally guilty corrupt lawless regime.. The regime which assists traitors to cheat on the people are equally guilty of treason , or even worse. 
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones at others.