Of the total, 374 of the children are boys, and 333 are girls. Thus far, 116 of the children reported missing have been traced.
Thirty one of these children have been reunited with their families, while reunification is in process for another 22. Another 63 names have found matches, and are currently undergoing verification and tracing.
These statistics were obtained via UNICEF, which sourced the data to the Family Tracing Unit of the Department of Probation and Childcare Services in the Northern Province.
A UNICEF report released on July 12 this year recorded a total of 676 cases of missing children.
Thirty one of these children have been reunited with their families, while reunification is in process for another 22. Another 63 names have found matches, and are currently undergoing verification and tracing.
These statistics were obtained via UNICEF, which sourced the data to the Family Tracing Unit of the Department of Probation and Childcare Services in the Northern Province.
A UNICEF report released on July 12 this year recorded a total of 676 cases of missing children.
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Archbishop Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith Furious

By Ranee Mohamed
At a press conference held at the Bishop’s House of Colombo yesterday, Archbishop of Colombo, Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith proclaimed that he will not be attending any functions of the state or state institutions till the authorities clear the name of the Missionaries of Charity and stop the unfounded allegations and harassment.
‘I wish to protest in the strongest possible way against the high-handed acts of the authorities. And as a mark of protest I will not be attending any state or state institution-organised functions till this situation is rectified. I am sorry these kinds of things have happened,” said the Archbishop.Read More »
‘I wish to protest in the strongest possible way against the high-handed acts of the authorities. And as a mark of protest I will not be attending any state or state institution-organised functions till this situation is rectified. I am sorry these kinds of things have happened,” said the Archbishop.Read More »