Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tamil Canadian Walk for Human Rights Draws Hundreds of Walkers; Raises $ 50,400

LogoIt was a sea of yellow as hundreds of Tamil Canadians enthusiastically gathered at Thomson Memorial Park on September 18th, 2011 for the 3rd Annual Tamil Canadian Walk. This year, Tamil Canadians walked for human rights in support of Amnesty International. Several community organizations and businesses participated in the event, which featured a 5-kilometer walk, BBQ, games and activities.

After the official launch of the campaign earlier this summer in June, community members canvassed their neighbourhoods, friends and families to collect donations for a worthy cause. With just twelve before the walk, fundraisers had raised just over $15,000.00. By the end of the day however, with the generous support of community members, sponsors, partners, media outlets, and businesses, the campaign completed the finish line with an impressive $50,000.00.

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President visits NY holding tight the ‘charmed ball’ : Mega delegation so mega waste begins!

MR hires 90 luxury limousines when Japan hires only 8 !
(Lanka-e-News -20.Sep.2011, 2.00P.M.) The Head of State President Rajapakse of Sri Lanka (SL) , and his jumbo delegation reached New York this early morning (20) according to SL time. The SL permanent representative for UN , Dr. Palitha Kohona and UN Ambassador Shavendra Silva who is these days at the center of a storm of controversy were present at the welcome ceremony. The soured relationship between Kohona and Shavendra was very evident on the occasion as they stood aloof and had little conversation between them, reports say.
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