Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Friday, September 23, 2011

Sri Lanka leader says international criticism 'tainted'

Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse

UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - Sri Lanka's president on Friday condemned "tainted" international allegations of a military massacre of civilians during an assault to end a Tamil rebellion.
President Mahinda Rajapakse appealed for international support as pressure mounted for the UN Human Rights Council to launch a war crimes inquiry into the 2009 campaign in which a UN panel said tens of thousands were killed.
"My country has reason for concern with approaches tainted by an unacceptable selectivity, which we have brought to the notice of the organizations in question in recent weeks," Rajapakse told the UN summit.
He called for solidarity from other developing countries "against these irregular modalities which should be resisted through our collective strength."
Defending the government campaign, Rajapakse said "after three decades of pain and anguish, today Sri Lankans of all ethnicities living in all parts of Sri Lanka are free from LTTE terror and no longer live in a state of fear."
He added that after defeating the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, the government was now working on building "the foundations of a unified and vibrant nation."
According to Rajapakse, 95 percent of displaced people from the conflict have returned to their homes in the 30 months since the military campaign and the economy has been revived.
"Contrary to malicious propaganda, the number of armed forces personnel in the Northern Province is at a minimal level," he insisted.
"We ask our friends in distant lands to drop pre-conceived notions," he added in another veiled reference to the international criticism.
UN leader Ban Ki-moon last week sent a report by an independent panel on the military campaign to the UN Human Rights Council, which could call for an international probe.
Ban has said he cannot order an international inquiry into the alleged killings -- which the Sri Lankan government has strongly denied -- but that a forum such as the council could do so.
The panel of experts named by Ban said in April that the Sri Lankan army killed most of the tens of thousands of civilian victims of the final offensive against Tamil separatists in 2009 but both sides may be guilty of war crimes.
A documentary shown on Britain's Channel Four in June said the military shelled civilian targets and showed footage of what it said were prisoner executions and the bodies of sexually assaulted Tamil Tiger fighters.

Is Sri Lanka guilty of war crimes? Video