U.S. Department of State
Mark C. Toner
Deputy Spokesperson
Daily Press Briefing
Daily Press Briefing
Washington, DC
September 26, 2011
MR. TONER: Sorry. Rewind. I missed the first part. Who referred it to the UN?
QUESTION: Mr. Ban Ki-moon has referred his report on UN panel report of Sri Lanka --
MR. TONER: Okay.
QUESTION: -- which created all the – to UN Human Rights Council and also to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights for further action. In all this UN General Assembly, this was not – didn’t get so much. But also there is a court case has been filed in a New York court against the visiting president of Sri Lanka Rajapaksa. So what is the latest update from the U.S.? Are you still pressurizing? Are you – what is the latest from the State Department?
MR. TONER: Again, I’m – our longstanding policy has been – position, rather, has been that the Government of Sri Lanka needs to take steps to credibly address some of these allegations. We urge it to do so. I’ll try to get an update on where the UN action stands at this point, but I don’t have anything beyond that at this point.
QUESTION: Anything on the --
MR. TONER: And nothing on the court case, and I doubt I could comment anyway, since it’s an ongoing legal matter.Yeah. Go ahead.