Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mass arrest following attack on military camp

BBCSinhala.com23 August, 2011 
Villagers also complained about military retaliation
Relatives of arrested people outside Jaffna Court

One hundred people were arrested on Monday in northern Sri Lanka after clashes with government security forces.

Villagers and military
Deputy Inspector General, Gamini Silva confirmed the arrest of one hundred villagers from Navanthurai.

Villagers in Navanthurai in Jaffna pursuing suspected nocturnal prowlers had attacked a local army detachment.

'Grease devil' in army camp
The villagers were taken to custody after they attacked the police who were trying to prevent angry villagers from attacking the military camp.

Jennifer Campbell: Sri Lanka prefers to look forward 

Everybody lost in civil war, high commissioner says. ‘We want to move on and catch up.

On the 44th anniversary of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), a flag-raising ceremony took place Aug. 18 at the Embassy of Indonesia. From left, Greg Giokas, acting director-general for South, Southeast Asia and the Oceania Bureau at Foreign Affairs, Filipino Chargé d’affaires Minerva Jean A. Falcon, Myanmar Ambassador Kyaw Tin, Thai Ambassador Udomphol Ninnad, Brunei Darussalam High Commissioner Rakiah Haji Abdul Lamit and Indonesian Ambassador Dienne H. Moehario.

OTTAWA — Not surprisingly, in the face of NDP members urging the United Nations to set up an independent, international and impartial mechanism to ensure “truth, accountability and justice” for Sri Lankans after a long civil war, the Sri Lankan high commissioner prefers to look to the future.
On the 44th anniversary of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), a flag-raising ceremony took place Aug. 18 at the Embassy of Indonesia. From left, Greg Giokas, acting director-general for South, Southeast Asia and the Oceania Bureau at Foreign Affairs, Filipino Chargé d’affaires Minerva Jean A. Falcon, Myanmar Ambassador Kyaw Tin, Thai Ambassador Udomphol Ninnad, Brunei Darussalam High Commissioner Rakiah Haji Abdul Lamit and Indonesian Ambassador Dienne H. Moehario.Read more: