Wednesday, 23 July
Twenty years on - riots that led to war

BBC correspondent in Colombo
Twenty years ago, this week, saw the outbreak of anti-Tamil riots in the Sri Lankan capital, Colombo that changed the course of the nation’s history
The riots, triggered by the killing of a group of soldiers in the Tamil north of the island, led directly to the outbreak of civil war.

The riots targeted Colombo’s Tamil citizens
“In the lane there were about 50 to 75 people in a mob carrying all kinds of sticks and clubs and knives,” recounts Shanthi Sachithanandam.
“They were shouting; it was like the sound of an ocean, a chilling sound” she says.
Shanthi got away in the nick of time while the mob banged on the car.
“Is there a Tamil inside? ” they shouted.
Her husband Manoranjan spent the beginning of the riot discussing politics in an air-conditioned coffee shop blissfully unaware of the burning outside.
He tried to get home but the road was blocked by burning cars, so he sheltered with a Sinhalese friend who saved his life.
With a knife to his throat, the friend swore to the mob that there were no Tamils in his house.
Sri Lanka: Jaffna Public Library destroyed by Sinhala Police -

“A city’s public library is the eye of the city by which the citizens are able to behold the realness of their heritage, and behold the still greater greatness of their future.”
- K. Nesiah (Education and Human Rights in Sri Lanka) ==============================================================
*War Without Witness in Sri Lanka