'Flying Fox: Defence Secretary Liam Fox has come under fire from armed forces officers for his globe trotting
Dr Fox has so irritated senior officers with his frequent absences while globetrotting that they have nicknamed him 'The Flying Fox'.
Ministry of Defence records show he has notched up nearly 150,000 air miles in the 14 months since the Coalition was formed – the equivalent of travelling six times around the world.
Dr Fox has made four trips to Afghanistan, where British troops are fighting the Taliban. But he has not yet been to Libya, where the RAF is patrolling the no-fly zone.
He also travels to defence conferences in Singapore, Bahrain, Munich and Geneva.
However, military sources believe he has made several unnecessary visits that ought to be the preserve of Foreign Secretary William Hague.
One senior military officer said: 'It's basically another country every other week.
'Given the cut-backs facing the forces and the two wars on the go it's hard to justify this level of travel.'
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FeTNA concludes 24th Tamil Convention

Charleston – USA, July 07 (TruthDive): The 24th Tamil Convention organized by FeTNA (Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America) – the umbrella organization of North America’s Tamil Community concluded this week on July 4th. The three-day event was attended by prominent members of Tamil community from India, Sri Lanka, Singapore and other countries. Movie artists, Politicians and other prominent personalities attended the event at the Gaillard Municipal Auditorium at Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
FeTNA conducts the Convention at different locations in North America every year and is generally attended by large number of Tamil Americans of Indian and Sri Lankan origin. The event includes cultural events, competitions, socializing events and networking opportunities for the Tamil and South Asian communities living in North America at large. Read More