It seems a case of literally falling from the frying pan to the fire for the UPFA government this week.
For months now, it has been plagued by the fallout from the report of the UN Advisory Panel of Experts on alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka. In its wake came Britain's Channel 4 video titled Sri Lanka's Killing Fields. The multi-pronged official responses to the issues raised by them, though contradictory, have dominated the local media much more than it should have those abroad.
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- We all have a stake in combatting terrorism
- Lakshman Kadirgamar would have investigated HR violations
The following is the 5th Lakshman Kadirgamar Memorial Lecture delivered by Dr. Liam Fox, MP,
Secretary of State for Defence of the United Kingdom, yesterday, at the Sri Lanka Foundation
Auditorium in Colombo. |
It was 16 years ago that I first met Lakshman Kadirgamar. In 1995 I was the new Parliamentary Undersecretary of State at the Foreign Office and he was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka.
An accomplished lawyer, sportsman and politician, there was virtually no subject on which he did not have an informed opinion or an interesting anecdote. In the time that we worked together we became close colleagues and good friends. He was a kind, thoughtful and brave man who enriched public life with principle and integrity. Full Story>>> |