Sunday 29 May 2011 |
By Christy Mahesh de Silva
If the government fails to do so India might not provide the expected assistance to meet consequences of Ban Ki-moon's Panel of Experts’ report, informed diplomatic sources told LAKBIMAnEWS.
"The government has decided to provide all powers to the Provincial Councils except those concerned with police and land. The Indian leader and the government had to take such a firm stance on Colombo due to the coming parliamentary elections in India and the pressure mounted on New Delhi by the newly elected Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Jayalalitha Jayaram," said our sources.
The newly elected Tamil Nadu Chief Minister has called for taking Sri Lankan leaders before an international tribunal for alleged war crimes committed by the security forces during the last days of Eelam War IV.
Sri Lanka relies heavily on India for its campaign against growing international pressure for an independent international investigation into alleged war crimes allegations.