Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Friday, April 15, 2011

Widow, 74, labelled a terrorist and ordered out of Canada

Friday, April 15, 2011
Sugunanayake Joseph, who was given asylum by the Canadian government, has been ordered deported on the grounds she's a member of a terrorist organization.
Sugunanayake Joseph, who was given asylum by the Canadian government, has been ordered deported on the grounds she's a member of a terrorist organization.
Tracey Tyler Legal Affairs Reporter             
After her husband was assassinated during midnight mass at a church in Sri Lanka on Christmas Eve 2005, Canada welcomed Sugunanayake Joseph.
Former foreign affairs minister Bill Graham spoke at a memorial service for her husband, Joseph Pararajasingham, a Sri Lankan MP, calling him a “man of peace.”
Five years later, the Immigration and Refugee Board has ordered the 74-year-old Toronto grandmother deported, concluding her role as a politician’s wife — supporting her late husband’s career and accompanying him to political events — amounted to membership in a designated terrorist organization.
“My husband was not a terrorist,” Joseph told the Star on Thursday. “I am also not a terrorist. He was an innocent man. A man of the people.”
Joseph was also wounded in the shooting. Shortly afterward, the federal government issued a visitor’s visa so she could flee to safety in Canada, where her son and daughter are citizens. she could flee to safety in Canada, where her son and daughter are citizens.               Full Story...
24.12.05  Joseph Pararajasingham MP shot dead in Batticaloa ..   

Canadians mourn loss of PararajasighamCanadians mourn loss of Pararajasigham
Canadians mourn loss of Pararajasigham

Marilyn Churley from New Democratic Party

Bill Graham, the Canadian Defence Minister, and Jim Karygiannis, Member of the Canadian Parliament and Secretary of State