New York, April 28, 2011--The Committee to Protect Journalists condemned today Belarus's information ministry attempts to close down the opposition newspaper Narodnaya Volya and the independent newspaper Nasha Niva, and called on the ministry to stop its harassment of both publications
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A Second Chance to Confront War Crimes in Sri Lanka
The Atlantic
The world failed to stop the government's killing of thousands of civilians, but a new UN report could finally bring a reckoning
This week's report offers a second chance for the UN to uphold its own vaunted standards of accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka
*Sri Lanka website LankaeNews is suspended
South Asia

The case relates to an article about a magistrate, which was regarded as slanderous.
The court ordered Sri Lanka's telecoms regulator to suspend the website until court proceedings are over.
The website published three apologies before Mr Wijesooriya was arrested on Monday. Full Story>>>
On Sri Lanka, Ban Has Not Asked UN GA to Act, Web Shutdown Ignored

The Report of the UN Panel of Experts Supports the Case for Genocide in Sri Lanka
Genocide started decades ago: Review, International Commission of Jurists, December 1983: ‘’The impact of the communal violence on the Tamils was shattering. ...Anonymous | 29Apr11 | More