In a startling revelation Reuters and the BBC have announced that they will reveal information unearthed by WikiLeaks of secret bank accounts held in Swiss banks operated by prominent politicians and business magnates from across the world. Though unconfirmed by the Swiss banks, it is reported through findings of WikiLeaks that amongst those who have such accounts, names of some prominent Sri Lankan politicians too appear.
So far it is not known whether these politicians from Sri Lanka are from the governing party or otherwise. However the concerned politicians have panicked having got wind that this WikiLeaks report would be released shortly.
It is reported that a high ranking employee from the Swiss bank named Radolf Elmer has released two compact discs with the names of all such politicians and businessmen from across the globe to Julian Assange, the head of WikiLeaks on January 17 in London. These compact discs reveal the names of over 40 politicians and businessmen numbering over 200 spread across the globe. Julian Assange is to publish this information on his web site shortly. The Swiss bank in question has already dismissed Radolf Elmer for releasing this information to Julian Assange.