Two years ago on January 8, editor Lasantha Wickrematunga was shot dead from point blank range while driving to work. The incident sent shockwaves of disbelief and triggered a wave of protests here demanding that the culprits be arrested.
On Saturday, at a quiet memorial at Lasantha’s grave, mourners were still asking the question – when will the killers be brought to justice?
In a scathing statement, Reporters Without Borders said that it was appalling that the government had "done nothing to solve the murder and in fact is clearly preventing the truth from coming out."
``More than 50 hearings have been held before a magistrate’s court and the police still seem to be drawing a blank. Although 15 military intelligence officers were held for a brief period, they were released with no explanation being given to court,’’ the statement added.No one killed Full Story
Newspaper editor’s murderers still at large two years later
In the same country » Sri Lanka
- Lasantha Wickrematunge’s widow and fellow editor Sonali Samarasinghe’s statement, on his second death anniversary 7 January 2011
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- Ten years of impunity for Jaffna-based journalist’s murderers 18 October 2010
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Lasantha Wickrematunge lies in state during his funeral ceremony in Colombo. Photograph: Lakruwan Wanniarachchi/AFP/Getty Images