Dear Sir/Madam/Prime Minister/President/Human Rights Watch/United Nations,
More than 150 000 Tamil civilians are being held in cramped, squalid military run camps in the northern region of Sri Lanka. There is a lack of humanitarian aid for the wounded, malnourished and severely traumatised war victims. With flooding, wide spread diseases and the onset of the Monsoon season deaths are drastically increasing.
Therefore urgent action is need for the following:
Please be warned of the extremely disturbing scenes in the video footage from UK Channel 4 TV:
Thank you in advance.
Please sent the above letter your respective countries leaders, politicians,NGOs, Humans right watch offices and anyone else you feel would be in a position to help save the lives of thousands of innocent Tamil civilians.

More than 150 000 Tamil civilians are being held in cramped, squalid military run camps in the northern region of Sri Lanka. There is a lack of humanitarian aid for the wounded, malnourished and severely traumatised war victims. With flooding, wide spread diseases and the onset of the Monsoon season deaths are drastically increasing.
Therefore urgent action is need for the following:
- The UN, ICRC and Human Rights Organizations must be given full and unhindered access to care for and protect the civilians in the camps, and help them return to wherever they choose to live.
- A list of all those still alive and in custody should be published, so that families can stop searching for loved ones who are dead.
- Any who continue to be detained as Freedom Fighters, who have surrendered with white flags to the Sri Lankan Government must be treated in accordance with the provisions of international law, and urgently given access to legal representation.
- Emergency medical treatment and care for all innocent people.
- Access to adequate food, shelter, water, clothing, medicine and sanitary facilities.
- Transfer of control from the military to civil authorities and a removal of all military or paramilitary personnel from the camps
- Release the full names and appropriate details of innocent persons.
- The release of all of the innocent people(over 150,000 Tamils) and the closure of the camps.
- Sri Lankan Government should be investigated in the International Criminal Court in Holland.
- Help the Tamils have their own separate state in the Northern and Eastern part of Sri Lanka just like during the Portuguese Ruling time (1505-1656) and Dutch Ruling time (1656-1800). TAMILS are suffering in Sri Lanka under the Sinhalese Government since the country obtained independence from Great Britain in 1948.
Please be warned of the extremely disturbing scenes in the video footage from UK Channel 4 TV:
Thank you in advance.
Please sent the above letter your respective countries leaders, politicians,NGOs, Humans right watch offices and anyone else you feel would be in a position to help save the lives of thousands of innocent Tamil civilians.