Captain Bharatha Kodituwakku is the chief of the Matara Army camp is the brother of Captain Moorthy Kodituwakku the head of Namal’s Nil Balakaya and his coordinating officer . Their father was for some time an artist of Mahinda Rajapakse drawing his pictures.
Captain Bharatha was the one who led the army group which attacked the Matara judge’s car sometime ago.
It was Namal the lawyer ( spurious) who acted unlawfully allowing the legal processes to go to the dogs in that incident to save Koddituwakku from being prosecuted . It is the latter who is stoking lawlessness and violence on behalf of Rajapakses openly in Matara.
This Captain Bharatha had got trapped well and truly as the culprit when he and another Captain Saman Balasooriya of the same camp , the chief of the Matara district disaster management unit were engaged in digging for treasure . Now it has become well known that they are digging in search of the most sought after ancient swords for the Rajapakses.
Upul who is a resident in the nearby land Asapuwa Vihara , Aparekka , Matara had announced that he had been shown in a dream the place where there is a treasure trove of Royal swords. That is there is a treasure trove in the land where he is residing.
The two abovementioned Captains who became aware of this had gone in search of Upul. They have given the mobile phone No. of Captain Saman Balasooriya to Upul , and have claimed that they are from the archaeological Dept. and told Upul to desist from digging for this treasure , and in order to get instructions in this regard , to phone on the mobile No. given to him.
Upul was got down and taken to the beach in the vicinity at Matara. Balasooriya had been in civil attire and wearing a tie at the meeting and had on him an archaeological Dept. Identity card (spurious).
Saman who had taken a call to someone ,had said ,he took instructions from Minister Dallas Alahaperuma . Saman had then warned Upul that he should obey his instructions then onwards, and this should not be revealed to anyone in which case he might even have to lose his life.
About two days earlier , these officers had gone to Upul’s house in a disaster management unit cab and an army jeep. After asking Upul ,his wife and children to stay out of the house had begun searching the house and the land with some device (as though searching for bombs) .
Thereafter they have given instructions to dig at two places , and left the venue. In the night the forces began coming into Upul’s house which had frightened Upul. Meanwhile the village residents who saw the army vehicles had said , it is these same army vehicles which came about a month ago to destroy a Dagoba at the Yaboda Viharaya and search for treasure .
Poor Upul who had been gripped with fear had gone to the Nihaboda police yesterday (30) to make a complaint. The police after delaying taking down his complaint had finally stated that they cannot record his complaint because of Namal’s orders. But since Upul stayed back at the station for a long time , his complaint was finally recorded. Later the police had made several amendments to his complaint including expunging the name of Kodituwakku.
Poor Upul who had been gripped with fear had gone to the Nihaboda police yesterday (30) to make a complaint. The police after delaying taking down his complaint had finally stated that they cannot record his complaint because of Namal’s orders. But since Upul stayed back at the station for a long time , his complaint was finally recorded. Later the police had made several amendments to his complaint including expunging the name of Kodituwakku.
Though Upul had told that he can identify these individuals with certainty, no one has still been taken into custody. One of the two pits dug across the house had been closed . Upul is now under threats forcing him to return the notepaper given to Upul on which Balasooriya wrote his phone number , and also to withdraw the complaint made to the police.
Sadly , because lawlessness , anarchy ,murder and mayhem are presently reigning supreme in this country , only exposures can be made on these criminalities . Since the Rajapakses are now possessed with a mania searching for Royal swords , even the museums are being subjected to robberies of valuable ancient swords and exhibits . Again dictated by this same eccentricity , the attempted robbery of swords at the Raja Maha vihara claimed the valuable lives of two Prelates both over 70 years old.
Sadly , because lawlessness , anarchy ,murder and mayhem are presently reigning supreme in this country , only exposures can be made on these criminalities . Since the Rajapakses are now possessed with a mania searching for Royal swords , even the museums are being subjected to robberies of valuable ancient swords and exhibits . Again dictated by this same eccentricity , the attempted robbery of swords at the Raja Maha vihara claimed the valuable lives of two Prelates both over 70 years old.