Exclusive: Gota’s Intelligence Czar Caught Red Handed As Chinese Mole

Kapila Hendawitharana
Retired Major General Kapila Hendawitharana, a former Director of Military Intelligence (DMI) who had been dismissed by Army Commander Sarath Fonseka as an unqualified “logistics man” was promoted to Major General by Gotabaya Rajapaksa in 2006, and brought back to the high post of Chief of National Intelligence, and given very broad oversight powers over all of Sri Lanka’s intelligence and counter-terrorism agencies.

After the ruthless terrorist bombings on April 21, including at the Shangri-La in Colombo, many countries including the Americans send specialists to Sri Lanka to assist forces in crushing this new terrorist threat. American investigators have visited the Shangri-La, where several Americans died, and are trying to help Sri Lanka to fight this threat.
But Colombo Telegraph can exclusively reveal that Hendawitharana, Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s right-hand man in the Defence Ministry, is an agent of the Chinese Intelligence. We can today reveal audio recordings of Hendawitharana, who is also the security head of Shangri-La, telling a Chinese Intelligence Officer to use diplomatic means as a “deterrent action” to sabotage the relationship between the US and Sri Lanka.
Hendawitharana is privy to American involvement in Sri Lanka’s new war against terror because of his role in security at Shangri-La, but his concern is not for his employer, in whose hotel so many innocents died, but instead for his handlers in Chinese Intelligence and his political contacts in the Joint Opposition.
In the audio recording, available exclusively below, Hendawitharana tells his Chinese handler to “appraise your diplomatic channels to work on the US-Sri Lanka relationship.”
“There is some development taking place for which the opposition parties, joint opposition, are making hell of a fit,” he warns. “They want to give Americans free passage for any requirement if the requirement arises for them to occupy Sri Lanka, even making use of the harbours and airports.”
“I am also on the watch,” he promised. “The government will deny. I don’t know the underhand plans of them.”
“Make your diplomatic channels aware of this,” the former intelligence chief tells the Chinese, “and ask them to take it up with the foreign ministry of Sri Lanka in advance as a deterrent action.”
Colombo Telegraph can also exclusively reveal how the Chinese have looked after Hendawitharana. In another recording revealed exclusively here, a Chinese contact explains to him how to provide information necessary for China to make tuition payments for the foreign education of a member of Hendawitharana’s family.
We might never know for how long Sri Lanka’s top spy has been in bed with a foreign power, and whether or not he was taking orders from the Chinese at the time he ran our intelligence services and fostered the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS), while other Chinese entities were funding the Rajapaksa family election campaigns.