Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Mahinda Rajapaksa's air fares still pending to settle 

Mahinda Rajapaksa's air fares still pending to settle

Jan 28, 2017

It is learnt that from the year 2011 up to the time Mahinda Rajapaksa was relinquished from the President's post all air fares due to the Sri Lankan Airlines for his air travel have been sent to the Presidential secretariat to be reimbursed.

The total of these bills add up to a colossal Rs 113,404,724.21.It is also reported that the air charges incurred by Mahinda Rajapaksa's family members,relatives and loyalists too have not been settled.It is reported that in this connection the authorities of the Sri Lanka airlines have added that there had been many instances when special flights were booked to travel .
It is also reported that during the period of the presidential elections the general secretary of the United National Party Tissa Attanayake who defected from the party and joined the SLFP had traveled to Thirupathy are also among the outstanding bills submitted for reimbursement to the presidential secretariat office.