Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Is robbing 48 gold sovereigns, Rs. 600,000 an act of war heroic?

Is robbing 48 gold sovereigns, Rs. 600,000 an act of war heroic?

Jan 28, 2017

A senior Navy officer is being accused of having abducted and detained a Tamil businessman of Colombo during the war and robbing 48 gold sovereigns and Rs. 600,000 in cash from him before making him to disappear. The Colombo magistrate’s court has severely reprimanded the CID for delaying the arrest of the accused and ordered the senior DIG in charge of the CID to appear before the court and explain as to why he was not yet arrested.

Thereafter, the CID has informed the Navy officer in question to report to the CID on February 01. Incumbent Navy commander Ravi Wijegunawardena and ex-commander Wasantha Karannagoda are exerting pressure on the government hierarchy that acting against the war heroes would affect their morale.
According to reports reaching us, the former Navy commanders are hiding behind the war hero label in order to prevent the exposure of the robberies and enforced disappearances that had been committed on their orders. The accused navy personnel have told investigators that they had committed those crimes on the orders of their senior officers.
Await a detailed report…