Peace for the World

Peace for the World
First democratic leader of Justice the Godfather of the Sri Lankan Tamil Struggle: Honourable Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam

Friday, January 27, 2017

Blind devotees meet their LORD at the rally at Nugegoda – Chameera Perera

Blind devotees meet their LORD at the rally at Nugegoda – Chameera Perera

Jan 27, 2017

Ahead of the Joint Opposition rally at Nugegoda, Citizens’ Organizations called for a press conference today at CSR expressed that Citizens who have conscience never attend for the Mahinda Rajapalse’s rally.

“The henchmen of Mhainda Rajapakse’s will attend the rally today,” said Chameera Perera, co-convener of Left Centre.

“Mahinda never come to the stage for the benefit of the people. He wanted to protect his family members and henchmen who guilty for malpractices.”

Perera pointed out that what were reasons for Pesident Rajapakse needs to come to the power again
He added, “Over 6.2 million voters not ready to appoint losers at January 8th political transformation again. “
“Former President Mahinda Rajapakse created lunpen culture in country and helped their henchmen to do malpractices. People defeated that culture and appointed President Maitripala Sirisena to rebuild the country according good governance policies and restore the democracy.”

Akalana Hettiarachchi and Chamara Nakandala also spoke out about the rally at Nugegoda.

“We have some critisim about this government but we never work for topple this government. Therefore we urge President Maitripala Sirisena to follow the January 8th mandate,” said Co-convener of Left Circle.
Meanwhile addressing recent media briefing UNP Lawmaker Mujibur Rahman the aim of the Nugegoda rally organized by the Joint Opposition is to arouse the people towards aggressive and violent behavior with the aim of building a wall of defense for the protection of individuals responsible for fraud, racketeering, embezzlement and various malpractices during the previous regime.

“Thanking to the government former President Mahinda Rajapakse did not sit on the electric chair,” said Chamara Nakandala.

Lawrence Ferdinando- Colombo.